Join us Sundays at 11:15 AM

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells his disciples to go and make disciples of others. “So,” you may ask, “What exactly is a disciple and how does one become a disciple at Spring Baptist Church?” Put simply, a disciple is a follower of Jesus. One does not arrive at being a disciple by following a prescribed checklist or by achieving a certain status. Rather, disciples are formed while moving in the direction toward Christ and accepting His free gift of salvation from their sin. Discipleship is about a direction, not a destination. It’s about living on mission, rather than maturity.


FIRST STEPS are actions you take early in your faith journey and include the decision to follow Jesus, baptism, attend a new member class, and become a member of Spring Baptist Church. All of these are designed to welcome you into the life of the church.

family_grass_slideReady to take your first step? Contact us today.  

NEXT STEPS are designed to stretch, enhance, and refresh you in your spiritual life. These steps have “deepen” and “deployment” components. Deepen opportunities are usually in the form of classes, each with a specific start and end date. Classes include topics such as how to study the Bible, living as a missionary in your community, how to share your faith, and more. The deploy component consists of opportunities to serve others through local, regional, and national missions opportunities.

ONGOING STEPS are where you live life with other Christians in the church. Our primary Ongoing Steps are our LifeGroups (small groups where people study the Bible together, love and support each other, and learn to apply the Bible to daily living) and the Sunday morning worship times (when the entire church body gathers to sing, pray, and hear the Bible preached). These experiences are designed to equip you to run the race of faith with endurance.