Join us Sundays at 11:15 AM

Trail of Treats

Event_Trail_of_Treats_ image

October 31, 2021

5:00pm – 6:30pm

Category: Spring Kids

The Klein Campus is hosting a fall outreach event called the Trail of Treats from 5-6:30 pm. on October 31st. We invite children and their parents in our community to dress in their costumes and join us for an evening of safe, free, family-friendly fun. Between now and October 31st, we are collecting items to hand out at different stations during the event.

Items for collection

Glow in the dark necklaces

Blow Bubbles

Chocolate Candy

Sugary Candy

Cotton Candy (small) 

Popcorn Balls 

Goldfish or Cheezit crackers 

Capri Sun Drinks

Tiny Real Pumpkins

Cocoa packets & miniature marshmallows 

Cupcakes (close to the event)
Apples/other Fruit (close to the event)

Please bring items to both Spring and Klein Campus lobbies to donate.